AID Protects Law Enforcement Officers
The Automatic Injury Detection (AID) system provides help in seconds when the sensing panel has been pierced by a bullet, knife or shrapnel. The AID panel sends an automated emergency alert to a phone, radio or via other communication system. The automated and instant emergency alert helps save lives. Once hit, an officer often needs to fight, flee or becomes incapacitated such that they are unable to get help immediately. AID improves their ability and the speed at which they can get medical attention and/or backup help in the fight against the attacker.

Features of Automatic Injury Detection (AID)

Saves Lives
AID reduces response time to improve officer survival in case of attack

Detects Shooting / Stabbing
Lightweight penetration sensor reliably detects shooting, stabbing or shrapnel

Automated Call for Help
No user input needed as victim may be unable to communicate effectively

Notifies All Responders
Ensures that the nearest responder, EMT and all backup can react immediately

Sends Precise Location
Responders can navigate directly to the victim without requiring an address

Help As Soon As Possible
Every second counts to provide the victim cover and medical attention

Stop The Attacker
Reduced response time mitigates harm and improves ability to apprehend the suspect

Protects Your Officers
Our law enforcement officers deserve every level of protection that can be provided

- Emergency Notification – In the case of a shooting or stabbing, it may be impossible to notify backup due to incapacitation, the need to fight back or flee the situation.
- Response Time – If the victim can communicate, it may take a critical amount of time for them or their partner to reach their radio/phone and report on the situation. Typically, the message must then be relayed to other personnel taking up more critical response time.
- Response Details - During battle, trauma and the critical nature of the situation makes it difficult to provide accurate details of the attack including the location. The attack or ensuing chase often make it impossible to know the exact location or provide useful landmarks. Messages relayed to others may include inaccuracies or omit the important details.
- Critical Factors - Natural disasters or civil disobedience leads to thinning critical personnel, resources and prioritization of the tactical/medical response.
- Single Officer Patrols - Prone to ambush/attack as resources are rationed.
- Gunfire - Makes Voice Radio/Cell communication very difficult to decipher.
- Dispatcher (Current method) - Adds error and time having to re-explain and authenticate data increases coordinated response. Subjects often and inadvertently call in false information.
- Automatic Injury Detection (AID) automatically and instantly detects an officer being shot or stabbed and sends the personal information, injury zone and location to many pre-defined recipients at the same time.
- The AID system consists of a thin film sensor with a conductive ink trace that is encased throughout the film. The sensor fits within the existing body armor carrier and is placed in the front and back of the officer.
- The sensor detects the piercing event and sends the notification over Bluetooth to the officer’s smartphone or radio.
- The AID smartphone app and/or radio network automatically forwards the emergency notifications that can go directly to the command staff, backup, dispatch and medical personnel – all at the same time.
- The smartphone app sends important information including the officer’s name and any personal information such as their badge number, blood type and allergies.
- The injury zone is included in the message and indicates if the officer was hit in the chest, abdomen, upper back or lower back.
- A link to the officer’s location is provided and if they move by 30 feet, an updated location message is sent. That eliminates the need for the officer to know the specific address which can be very difficult in a traumatic situation and where a foot chase may have occurred.
- After set-up, there is no input or action needed by the officer except to charge the sensor battery once per year. The AID sensors remain in place and connected to the officer’s smartphone or radio – ready to automatically and instantly send for help when it’s needed most.
- AID is a unique and patented technology from Select Engineering Services.
It takes officer safety and wellness to the next level by providing the most effective and reliable method for getting help in the case of an officer shooting or stabbing.

Bullet - Knife - Shrapnel
AID sensor activates when pierced

AID Police Communication
Bluetooth Compatible
- iPhone
- Android smartphone
- FirstNet
- Portable radio

Instant Emergency Notification
Officer’s Name - Lt. Dan Hooker
Exact Location - 8755 2nd Ave
Injury Zone - Lower back

Every Second Counts
- Backup and command staff notified
- Local EMT notified
- Text message
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